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This page presents my research papers sorted by year. Here is my full bib file.


  • SPARQL Query Containment under RDFS Entailment Regime.
    Melisachew Wudage Chekol, Jérôme Euzenat, Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda.
    In IJCAR 2012, International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, full paper. [soon online]
    The problem of SPARQL query containment is defined as determining if the result of one query is included in the result of another for any RDF graph. Query containment is important in many areas, including information integration, query optimization, and reasoning about Entity-Relationship diagrams. We encode this problem with an expressive logic called mu-calculus: where RDF graphs become transition systems, queries and schema axioms become formulas. The containment problem is reduced to formula satisfiability test. Beyond the logic's expressive power, satisfiability solvers are available for it.
  • On the Analysis of Cascading Style Sheets.
    Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda, Vincent Quint.
    In WWW 2012, The World Wide Web Conference, full paper. [html]
    We introduce the first system capable of statically verifying properties of a given cascading style sheet (CSS) over the whole set of documents to which the stylesheet applies. Properties include coverage of styling information, and absence of erroneous rendering.
  • SPARQL Query Containment.
    Melisachew Wudage Chekol, Jérôme Euzenat, Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda.
    In AAAI 2012, Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence., full paper. [soon online]
    We study the problem of SPARQL query containment under schema axioms. Containment consists in determining whether, for any RDF graph satisfying a given set of schema axioms, the answers to a query are contained in those of another query. We provide a mapping from RDF graphs to transition systems. We encode SPARQL queries, RDFS and DL-Lite axioms as formulas and then we also establish some complexity results.


  • Semantic Adaptation of Multimedia Documents.
    Sébastien Laborie, Jérôme Euzenat, Nabil Layaïda.
    In Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), vol. 55 (3), pp. 379-398, Springer Netherlands, June 2011. [ html, doi]
    Multimedia documents have to be played on multiple device types. Hence, usage and platform diversity requires document adaptation according to execution contexts, not generally predictable at design time. In an earlier work, a semantic framework for multimedia document adaptation was proposed. In this framework, a multimedia document is interpreted as a set of potential executions corresponding to the author specification. To each target device corresponds a set of possible executions complying with the device constraints. In this context, adapting requires to select an execution that satisfies the target device constraints and which is as close as possible from the initial composition.
  • Parametric Polymorphism and Semantic Subtyping: the Logical Connection. [pdf] [bib]
    Nils Gesbert, Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda.
    In In ICFP'10, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Functional Programming, Sep 2011.
    We consider a type algebra equipped with recursive, product, function, intersection, union, and complement types together with type variables and universal quantification over them. We consider the subtyping relation recently defined by Castagna and Xu between such type expressions and show how this relation can be decided in EXPTIME, answering an open question.
  • Impact of XML Schema Evolution. [acm] [pdf] [bib]
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda and Vincent Quint.
    In In TOIT'11, Transactions of the ACM on Internet Technology.
    Effects of XML Schema changes on the validity of documents and on the evaluation of queries are formally investigated.
  • Query reasoning on trees with types, interleaving and counting. [pdf] [bib]
    Everardo Barcenas, Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda and Alan Schmitt.
    In IJCAI 2011, Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2, pp. 718-723, AAAI Press, July 2011.
    This paper studies logical satisfiability for a fragment of XPath queries extended with (1) limits on the number of elements satisfying a property (i.e., counting) and (2) unordered elements (interleaving), in the presence of schemas.
  • Inconsistent Path Detection for XML IDEs. [acm] [pdf] [bib]
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda.
    In ICSE 2011, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 983-985, ACM, May 2011.
    The first IDE for XQuery extended with static detection of inconsistent XPath expressions is introduced for simplifying the development and debugging of any application involving XPath expressions.


  • Debugging Standard Document Formats.
    Nabil Layaïda, Pierre Genevès.
    In WWW'10, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web, April 2010. [bib]
    We present a tool for helping XML schema designers to obtain a high quality level for their specifications. The tool allows one to analyze relations between classes of XML documents and formally prove them. For instance, the tool can be used to check forward and backward compatibilities of recommendations. When such a relation does not hold, the tool allows one to identify the reasons and reports detailed counter-examples that exemplify the problem. For this purpose, the tool relies on recent advances in logic-based automated theorem proving techniques that allow for efficient reasoning on very large sets of XML documents. We believe this tool can be of great value for standardization bodies that define specifications using various XML type definition languages (such as W3C specifications), and are concerned with quality assurance for their normative recommendations.
  • XML Reasoning Made Practical.
    Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda.
    In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2010, IEEE, March 2010. [bib]
    We present a tool for the static analysis of XPath queries and XML Schemas. The tool introduces techniques used in the field of verification (such as binary decision diagrams) in order to efficiently solve XPath query satisfiability, containment, and equivalence, in the presence of real-world XML Schemas. The tool can be used in query optimizers, in order to prove soundness of query rewriting. It can also be used in type-checkers and optimizing compilers that need to perform all kinds of compile-time analyses involving XPath queries and XML tree constraints.
  • Eliminating Dead-Code from XQuery Programs. [acm] [pdf] [bib] In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2010, pp. 305-306, ACM, May 2010.
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda.
    An XQuery IDE augmented with static analysis features for identifying and eliminating dead code automatically is introduced.


  • Semantic Multimedia Document Adaptation with Functional Annotations.
    SébastienLaborie, Jérome Euzenat, Nabil Layaïda.
    In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization, SMAP’09, IEEE, December 2009. [bib], [pdf]
    The diversity of presentation contexts for multimedia documents requires the adaptation of document specifications. In an earlier work, we have proposed a semantic adaptation framework for multimedia documents. This framework captures the semantics of the document composition and transforms the relations between multimedia objects according to adaptation constraints. In this paper, we show that relying on document composition alone for adaptation restricts the set of relevant candidate solutions and may even divert the adaptation from the authors intent. Hence, we propose to introduce functional annotations to guide the adaptation process. Theses annotations allow to refine the role of multimedia objects in the document. We show that SMIL documents could embed functional annotations encoded in RDF. These multimedia documents are then adapted thanks to an interactive adaptation tool.
  • On the Analysis of Queries with Counting Constraints.
    Everardo Bárcenas, Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda.
    In DocEng’09: Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, pages 21-24, ACM, September 2009. [bib, pdf, doi]
    We study the analysis problem of XPath expressions with counting constraints. Such expressions are commonly used in document transformations or programs in which they select portions of documents subject to transformations. We explore how recent results on the static analysis of navigational aspects of XPath can be extended to counting constraints. The static analysis of this combined XPath fragment allows to detect bugs in transformations and to perform many kinds of optimizations of document transformations. More precisely, we study how a logic for finite trees capable of expressing upward and downward recursive navigation, can be equipped with a counting operator along regular path expressions.
  • Identifying Query Incompatibilities with Evolving XML Schemas.
    Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda, Vincent Quint.
    In ICFP’09, Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, pages 221-230, August 2009. [bib, pdf, doi]
    During the life cycle of an XML application, both schemas and queries may change from one version to another. Schema evolutions may affect query results and potentially the validity of produced data. Nowadays, a challenge is to assess and accommodate the impact of these changes in evolving XML applications. Such questions arise naturally in XML static analyzers. These analyzers often rely on decision procedures such as inclusion between XML schemas, query containment and satisfiability. However, existing decision procedures cannot be used directly in this context. The reason is that they are unable to distinguish information related to the evolution from information corresponding to bugs. This paper proposes a predicate language within a logical framework that can be used to make this distinction. We present a system for monitoring the effect of schema evolutions on the set of admissible documents and on the results of queries. The system is very powerful in analyzing various scenarios where the result of a query may not be anymore what was expected. Specifically, the system is based on a set of predicates which allow a fine-grained analysis for a wide range of forward and backward compatibility issues. Moreover, the system can produce counterexamples and witness documents which are useful for debugging purposes. The current implementation has been tested with realistic use cases, where it allows identifying queries that must be reformulated in order to produce the expected results across successive schema versions.
  • Counting in Trees along Multidirectional Regular Paths.
    Everardo Bárcenas, Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda.
    In PLAN-X’09, Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Language Techniques for XML, January 2009. [bib], [pdf], [proceedings]
    We propose a tree logic capable of expressing simple cardinality constraints on the number of nodes selected by an arbitrarily deep regular path with backward navigation. Specifically, a sublogic of the alternation-free μ-calculus with converse for finite trees is extended with a counting operator in order to reason on the cardinality of node sets. Also, we developed a bottom-up tableau-based satisfiability-checking algorithm, which resulted to have the same complexity than the logic without the counting operator: a simple exponential in the size of a formula.


  • XML Reasoning Solver User Manual [inria] [pdf] [bib]
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda
    INRIA Research Report 6726, November 2008
    Documentation for using the XML reasoning solver in practice.
  • Adaptation spatio-temporelle et hypermédia de documents multimédia.
    Sébastien Laborie, Jérôme Euzenat, Nabil Layaïda.
    In Atelier Représentation et Raisonnement sur le Temps et l’Espace (RTE), pages 1-13, Hermès, June 2008. [bib, pdf]
    Currently, multimedia documents may have to be executed on multiple devices such as mobile phones, PDAs, desktop computers, set-top boxes, etc. Hence, usage and platform diversity requires document adaptation according to execution contexts, sometimes unpredictable at design time. We propose to abstract from format specific details by defining a structure which expresses a set of objects and the relations between them. In order to capture the spatio-temporal and hypermedia dimensions of the document, we point out in this paper that these objects are multimedia objects and hypermedia links, and that relations between them are spatio-temporal. In this context, adapting amounts to modify in a minimal way the document abstraction according to the target device constraints. In order to show the applicability of our framework, we implement a prototype which adapts SMIL documents.
  • Efficient Static Analysis of XML Paths and Types [inria] [pdf] [bib]
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda and Alan Schmitt
    INRIA Research Report 6590, July 2008
    Long version of the PLDI'07 paper (includes proofs, crucial implementation techniques for building a satisfiability-testing algorithm which performs well in practice, detailed descriptions of the algorithm, and formal explanations about an important property of the logic: cycle-freeness for formulas).
  • Static Analysis of XML Programs [ercim] [pdf] [bib]
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda
    (invited communication) in ERCIM News, number 72: "The Future Web", 2008
    Static analysers for programs that manipulate Extensible Markup Language (XML) data have been successfully designed and implemented based on a new tree logic by the WAM (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) research team, a joint lab of INRIA and Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble. This is capable of handling XML Path Language (XPath) and XML types such as Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and XML Schemas.


  • Efficient Static Analysis of XML Paths and Types [acm] [pdf] [bib]
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda and Alan Schmitt
    PLDI'07: the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (top 0.24% according to Citeseer)
    A new logic for reasoning over finite trees is proposed. This logic currently offers the best balance known between expressivity and complexity for decidability. It is as expressive as monadic second-order logic whereas its satisfiability is shown decidable in time complexity 2^O(n) w.r.t. size n of the formula. We present an effective algorithm in practice using symbolic techniques (BDDs), and use it for the static analysis of XPath queries in the presence of regular tree types, including XPath typing.
  • XPath Typing Using a Modal Logic with Converse for Finite Trees [pdf] [bib]
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda and Alan Schmitt
    PLAN-X 2007: the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Language Techniques for XML colocated with POPL 2007
    (preliminary version of the above PLDI'07 paper)
  • Deciding XPath Containment with MSO
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda
    To appear in Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE), Elsevier.
    (preliminary version as INRIA Research Report 5867 [inria] [pdf] [bib])
    Experiments are conducted with monadic second order logic (using the MONA system) in order to decide containment of XPath queries (e.g. whether or not for all XML trees the result of a regular query is always included in the result of another one).
  • Multimedia Document Summarization Based on a Semantic Adaptation Framework.
    Sébastien Laborie, Jérôme Euzenat, Nabil Layaïda.
    In Proceedings of the 2007 international workshop on Semantically aware document processing and indexing, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 259, pages 87-94, ACM, 2007. [bib, html]
    The multiplication of presentation contexts (such as mobile phones, PDAs) for multimedia documents requires the adaptation of document specifications. In an earlier work, a semantic framework for multimedia document adaptation was proposed. This framework deals with the semantics of the document composition by transforming the relations between multimedia objects. However, it was lacking the capability of suppressing multimedia objects. In this paper, we extend the proposed adaptation with this capability. Thanks to this extension, we present a method for summarizing multimedia documents. Moreover, when multimedia objects are removed, the resulted document satisfies some properties such as presentation contiguity. To validate our framework, we adapt standard multimedia documents such as SMIL documents.


  • A System for the Static Analysis of XPath [acm-doi] [pdf] [bib]
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda
    ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), Volume 24, Number 4, October 2006
    Major decision problems encountered in the static analysis of XPath (such as query containment, satisfiability, and overlap) are solved in the presence or absence of regular tree type constraints, by reduction to satisfiability of the alternation-free modal μ-calculus over general Kripke structures.
  • Comparing XML Path Expressions [acm-doi] [pdf] [slides] [bib]
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda
    International ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2006
    (preliminary version of the above TOIS'06 article)
  • Mu-Calculus Based Resolution of XPath Decision Problems [url] [pdf] [bib]
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda
    INRIA Research Report 5868
  • A Decision Procedure for XPath Containment [url] [pdf] [bib]
    Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaïda
    INRIA Research Report 5867
    Experiments are conducted with monadic second order logic in order to decide XPath containment (e.g. whether or not for all XML trees the result of an XPath expression is always included in the result of a second one).
  • Adaptation spatiale efficace de documents SMIL [pdf] [bib]
    S. Laborie, J. Euzenat, N. Layaïda
    RFIA'2006, 5e congrès francophone AFRIF-AFIA Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle.
    This paper extends this framework to the spatial dimension of SMIL documents. Our goal is to find a qualitative spatial representation that computes a set of adaptation solutions close to the initial document respecting the adaptation constraints. The quality of an adaptation can be regarded on two respects : expressiveness of adaptation solutions and computation speed. In this context, we characterize the adaptation quality of existing spatial representations. We show that these representations do not allow for optimal quality. Thus, we propose a new spatial representation which is sufficiently expressive to adapt SMIL documents faster.


  • NAC : une architecture pour l’adaptation multimédia sur le Web [pdf] [bib]
    N. Layaïda, T. Lemlouma, V. Quint
    Technique et Science Informatiques, RSTI-TSI -- 24/2005, num. 7, pp. 789-813.
    The Web is evolving towards richer contents and diverse media that are accessed with different devices through multiple kinds of network. This heterogeneous, mobile and changing environment requires that multimedia information delivered by servers be adapted to the actual conditions of use. For that purpose, a number of methods, languages, formats and protocols are developed, especially by W3C. The NAC architecture presented in this article was designed and implemented based on these technologies, focusing on adaptation processing, on environment description models, on negotiation protocols, and on content transformations.
  • Content Interaction and Formatting for Mobile Devices [acm-doi] [pdf] [bib]
    T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda
    DocEng 2005, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 2-4 November 2005, Bristol, UK.
    In this paper we present an experimental content adaptation system for mobile devices. The system enables the presentation of multimedia content and considers the problem of small screen display of mobile terminals. The approach combines structural and media adaptation with the content formatting and proposes a system that handles the user interaction and the content navigation.
  • Adapter temporellement un document SMIL [pdf] [bib]
    S. Laborie, J. Euzenat, N. Layaïda
    Atelier Connaissance et Documents Temporels, AFIA, 2005.
    Les récentes avancées technologiques permettent aux documents multimédia d'être présentés sur de nombreuses plates-formes (ordinateurs de bureau, PDA, téléphones portables. . .). Cette diversification des supports a entraîné un besoin d'adaptation des documents à leur contexte d'exécution. Une approche sémantique d'adaptation de documents multimédia a été proposée et temporellement définie à l'aide de l'algèbre d'intervalles d'Allen. Cet article étend ces précédents travaux en les appliquant au langage de spécification de documents multimédia SMIL. Pour cela, des fonctions de traduction de SMIL vers l'algèbre de Allen (et inversement) ont été définies. Celles-ci préservent la proximité entre le document adapté et le document initial.
  • LimSee2: A Cross-Platform SMIL Authoring Tool [bib] [html]
    Romain Deltour, Nabil Layaïda, and Daniel Weck
    ERCIM News No. 62, July 2005.
    LimSee2 is an open-source and cross-platform authoring tool dedicated to the manipulation of time-based multimedia documents for the Web. It relies on the SMIL standard of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).


  • Le temps dans les documents [pdf] [bib] [editor-site]
    N. Layaïda, C. Roisin
    Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 249, rue de Crimée, 75925 Paris Cedex 19.
    La production et l'accès de plus en plus aisé aux contenus multimédias numériques suscitent naturellement l'envie de les intégrer pour réaliser des « documents multimédias » dans lesquels le sens est apporté non seulement par le contenu de chacun des éléments de la présentation mais aussi par la synchronisation (spatiale et/ou temporelle) et les liens de navigation entre ces éléments. Depuis plusieurs années, un effort important de recherche et de standardisation de ces formats d'intégration a été apporté (SMIL, MPEG4). Les éléments de contenu eux-mêmes font l'objet de standard pour enrichir leur niveau de description (MPEG7). Dans ce chapitre, nous présentons les concepts et les besoins liés à l'introduction d'une dimension temporelle dans les documents électroniques, ainsi que les solutions actuelles apportées à ce domaine : outils existants, standards, prototypes de recherche. Tirant parti des possibilités offertes par ces techniques, nous étudions les besoins des utilisateurs à différents niveaux de la chaîne de production des présentations et montrons comment les outils répondent à ces attentes, en particulier en matière de pouvoir d'expression, de réutilisation et de facilité d'édition. Ce document est organisé en quatre grandes parties : une introduction générale sur la notion de documents multimédia et des domaines d'application concernés, l'étude des caractéristiques et des fonctions souhaitées pour la spécification de documents multimédia, l'étude détaillée du format standard SMIL et enfin la présentation de différents outils de présentation et d'édition de documents multimédia.
  • Adaptation et multimédia mobile sur le Web [pdf] [bib]
    N. Layaïda, T. Lemlouma, Vincent Quint
    Mcube 2004, première conférence nationale sur le multimédia mobile, Montbéliard, France, 30-31 mars 2004.
    The Web is evolving towards multimedia contents accessed through various kinds of devices and very different networks. Multimedia information must be adapted to this mobile and changing environment. For this purpose, a set of methods, languages, formats, and protocols are developed, mainly by W3C. We have defined and implemented the NAC architecture grounded on these technologies, focusing on the distribution of adaptation processing, on the models and languages for environment description and on content transformation.
  • Context-Aware Adaptation for Mobile Devices [pdf] [bib] [ieee]
    T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda
    MDM2004 International Conference on Mobile Data Management, Berkeley, CA, USA, 19-22 January 2004, IEEE, pp. 106-111.
    This paper discusses the problem of content adaptation for mobile devices. The adaptation considers the context of the client and also the environment where the client request is received. A device independent model is defined and used in order to achieve automatic adaptation of the content based on its semantic and the capabilities of the target device. Our system includes a context description model and a client repository and offers device contexts management and querying functions. The proposed system uses the XQuery language to query the profiles and delivers the results in the form of SOAP services.


  • A semantic framework for multimedia document adaptation [pdf] [bib]
    J. Euzenat, N. Layaïda, V. Diaz,
    Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI 2003.Acapulco, Mexico. 9-16 August 2003. pp. 31-36. Morgan Kauffman Ed.
    With the proliferation of heterogeneous devices (desktop computers, personal digital assistants, phones), multimedia documents must be played under various constraints (small screens, low bandwidth). Taking these constraints into account with current document models is impossible. Hence, generic source documents must be transformed into documents compatible with the target contexts. Currently, the design of transformations is left to programmers. We propose here a semantic framework, which accounts for multimedia document adaptation in very general terms. A model of a multimedia document is a potential execution of this document and a context defines a particular class of models. The adaptation should then retain the source document models that belong to the class defined by the context if such models exist. Otherwise, the adaptation should produce a document whose models belong to this class and are "close" to those of the source documents. We focus on the temporal dimension of multimedia documents and show how adaptation can take advantage of temporal reasoning techniques. Several metrics are given for assessing the proximity of models.
  • Containment of XPath expressions : an Inference and Rewriting based approach [pdf] [bib]
    J-Y. Vion-Dury, N. Layaïda,
    Extreme Markup Languages 2003. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 4-8 august 2003.
    XPath is a simple query language for XML documents which allows navigating in XML trees and returning a set of matching nodes. It is used in XML Schema to define keys an in XLink and XPointer to reference portions of documents. XPath is a fundamental part of XSLT and XQuery languages as it allows to define matching expressions for patterns and provides node selectors to filter elements in the transformations. We propose to study the containment and equivalence of XPath expressions using an inference system combined with a rewriting system. The inference system allows to assert and prove properties on a class of expressions. In order to keep the proof system compact, we propose a re-writing architecture which allows to transform remaining expressions in a disjunctive normal form compatible with this class. In contrast with model based approaches, the inference and rewriting systems are applied to the XPath language directly. We believe this will help understanding the underlying issues of deciding containment on the language itself.
  • Encoding Multimedia Presentation for User Preferences and Limited Environments [pdf] [bib] [ieee]
    T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda,
    IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME). Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 6-9 july 2003. pp. 165-168.
    This paper discusses a new approach of generating TV-like multimedia presentations that are adapted to the target user preferences and to limited devices. Three main points are discussed: 1) the encoding of video presentations from a SMIL specification, 2) the adaptation of the video content based on the user preferences, and 3) the delivery of adapted multimedia presentations. The used architecture includes a content server, an adaptation proxy and a set of small devices in the form of personal device assistants (PDA). These devices request the content through a wireless network. In order to show how the system behaves regarding the user preferences and capabilities, two negotiation dimensions are considered: the user language and the memory capability of the device. The first dimension is used to generate a content that can be understood by the target user, e.g. a video with subtitles written in the preferred language. The second dimension is chosen to solve the problem of the system blocking that usually happens when limited devices access rich multimedia presentations over the network.
  • Media Resources Adaptation for Limited Devices [pdf] [bib]
    T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda,
    ICCC/IFIP Seventh International Conference on Electronic Publishing : ELPUB 2003. Guimaraes, Portugal. 25-28 june 2003. pp. 209-218.
    In this paper, we define a framework for media resources manipulation in an adaptive content delivery system. We discuss the media resources manipulation in an adaptation and negotiation architecture in terms of binary relationship definition using a so-called "related resources" approach, resources extraction, adaptation and delivery. We show how different resources can be related by predefined semantic relationships in order to help structural adaptation and content negotiation tasks. We give a simple recursive algorithm to extract media resources form an input tree structure. The media description is specified using an extensible CC/PP profile. In order to show the benefits of our approach, we give a practical application of media manipulation: an automatic adaptation of XHTML documents for mobile phones. We propose also a general mechanism for the content servers in order to deliver media resources according to client constraints or profile. The influence of media selection in the delivery of multimedia services is also described using evaluation formulae and measured with some experimentations.
  • Adapted Content Delivery for Different Contexts [pdf] [bib] [ieee]
    T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda,
    International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2003). Orlando, Folrida, USA. 27-31 January 2003. pp. 190-197.
    In this paper, we propose a SMIL content adaptation framework for embedded devices such as PDA, cellular phones, etc. This framework is based on a three-pier organization of the SMIL content access which allows decoupling two levels of performance: a wired network with abundant resources such as bandwidth and processing power and, a wireless network with variable bandwidth and limited resources. Clients are given access to content from a variety of terminals with different capabilities. In order to adapt the SMIL content to these devices, the content access traverses an intermediate entity called adaptation proxy where the adaptation occurs. An experimental implementation of this framework shows how to achieve SMIL content adaptation using client profiles descriptions, negotiation strategies, simple SMIL adaptation and media transcoding.
  • SMIL Content Adaptation for Embedded Devices [pdf] [bib]
    T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda,
    SMIL Europe Conference, Paris, France. February 2003.
    In this paper, we propose a SMIL content adaptation framework for embedded devices such as PDA, cellular phones, etc. This framework is based on a three-pier organization of the SMIL content access which allows decoupling two levels of performance: a wired network with abundant resources such as bandwidth and processing power and, a wireless network with variable bandwidth and limited resources. Clients are given access to content from a variety of terminals with different capabilities. In order to adapt the SMIL content to these devices, the content access traverses an intermediate entity called adaptation proxy where the adaptation occurs. An experimental implementation of this framework shows how to achieve SMIL content adaptation using client profiles descriptions, negotiation strategies, simple SMIL adaptation and media transcoding.


  • Dealing with uncertain durations in synchronized multimedia presentations [pdf] [bib] [acm-doi] [springer-doi]
    N. Layaïda, L. Sabry-Ismail, C. Roisin,
    Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal, Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol. 18, num. 3, December 2002. pp. 213-231.
    In this paper, we discuss the effect of the uncertainty in the duration of some multimedia objects on the quality of the presentation of multimedia scenarios. This uncertainty can be due to external factors such as the access delay over internet or the user interaction. An uncertain duration is often followed by a period of desynchronization during which the presentation deviates from the desired scenario. To solve this problem, we present in this paper a solution that integrates two complementary approaches which reduce the desynchronization and limit its propagation in the rest of the presentation. These approaches are non-blocking and use the flexibility in the duration of multimedia objects in order to resynchronize the presentation as rapidly as possible.
  • An Incremental XSLT Transformation Processor for XML Document Manipulation [pdf] [bib] [acm-doi] [presentation]
    L. Villard, N. Layaïda,
    The Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2002). ACM Press. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 7-11 May 2002. pp. 474-485.
    In this paper, we present an incremental transformation framework called incXSLT. This framework has been experimented for the XSLT language defined at the World Wide Web Consortium. For the currently available tools, designing the XML content and the transformation sheets is an inefficient, a tedious and an error prone experience. Incremental transformation processors such as incXSLT represent a better alternative to help in the design of both the content and the transformation sheets. We believe that such frameworks are a first step toward fully interactive transformation-based authoring environments.
  • Universal Profiling for Content Negotiation and Adaptation in Heterogeneous Environments [html] [bib] [pdf] [slides]
    T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda,
    W3C Workshop on Delivery Contex, url :, W3C/INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France. 4-5 March 2002.
    This position paper focuses on the content negotiation and adaptation of services in heterogeneous environment and this using the concept of universal profiling. We discuss our vision to achieve an advanced content negotiation. For this, we define a profiling schema that includes the utile description of the entire component that can participate in the final deliverance of services. The defined profiling schema is opened, extensible and doesn't depend to a particular kind of devices, which make it useful in the context of adapted services deliverance.
  • Adaptation de serveur multimédia par un code mobile [pdf] [bib]
    D. Hagimont, N. Layaïda,
    Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI), numéro spécial Agents et code mobile, vol. 21, num. 6, 2002. pp. 877-898.
    In a distributed environment, mobile code can be used to dynamically adapt a server in order to take into account the characteristics of the underlying environment. It cal also extend the services offered by the server. In this paper, we present an experiment which consists in adapting a multimedia application using mobile agents programmed in Java. In this distributed application, an agent is sent a video server in order to adapt the transmitted video streams. Our experiment shows that such adaptations reduce significantly the CPU load on the client machine (by transferring it to the server), reduce the network traffic and provide customized failure handling


  • The Negotiation of Multimedia Content Services in Heterogeneous Environments [pdf] [bib]
    T. Lemlouma and N. Layaïda.
    The 8th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling. CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. November 5-7, 2001. pp.187-206.
    Few number of works have discussed the problem of multimedia services negotiation in heterogeneous environments. This paper presents a new negotiation strategy of services in such environments. This strategy is based on the concept of profiling and document selection. We show how CC/PP-RDF model can be used to describe clients preferences and capabilities, and how SMIL 2.0 modularization can serve as a basis to ensure services profile definition. We give the rules to follow in order to achieve the negotiation task. The negotiation protocol that we propose uses a method of profiling evaluation that we call the TL evaluation. We show how our protocol can respond efficiently to a best deliverance of adapted multimedia services for the end users, while taking into account device limitations and user preferences.
  • Support d'exécution de documents multimédia [pdf] [bib] [book]
    Nabil Layaïda, Cécile Roisin, Loay Sabry-Ismail,
    Chapitre 6, Systèmes Multimédias communicants. ed. Walid Dabbous. Hermès Science Publications. ISBN 2-7462-0251-4. Paris, France. 2001. pp. 197-222.
    Ce chapitre décrit les fonctions nécessaires à l'exécution de documents multimédia. Dans une première partie, les principaux modèles utilisés pour spécifier des présentations multimédia sont analysés. Puis, après avoir identifié les caractéristiques des présentations smultimédia, nous décrivons les principes de conception d'une machine d'exécution multimédia au travers de son architecture générale. Nous détaillons ensuite les composants qui réalisent les fonctions d'ordonnancement et de contrôle de l'exécution. Nous illustrons ces différents composants au travers de leur réalisation dans le système prototype appelé Madeus.


  • A XML-based multimedia document processing model for content adaptation [pdf] [bib]
    L. Villard, C. Roisin et N. Layaïda,
    Digital Documents and Electronic Publishing (DDEP00), LNCS, Springer Verlag ed., September 2000. pp.
    In this paper we present a general framework for document production that covers generic document model needs and adaptation needs. We define a multimedia document model called Madeus that describes multimedia scenarios. We show how this model is used for the generation of adaptable presentations. This presentation process is based on XSLT transformation techniques and constraint technologies for document formatting.
  • Le temps dans les documents [pdf] [bib]
    M. Jourdan, N. Layaïda, C. Roisin,
    Techniques de l'ingénieur, volume H 7 228, 249, rue de Crimée, Paris, France. 1999.
    Dans ce chapitre, nous présentons les concepts et les besoins liés à l'introduction d'une dimension temporelle dans les documents électroniques, ainsi que les solutions actuelles apportées à ce domaine : outils existants, standards, prototypes de recherche. Pour éviter un effet « catalogue », nous avons choisi une description de ce domaine selon une double approche : d'une part, selon les capacités des systèmes à répondre aux caractéristiques de ce nouveau domaine et d'autre part, selon les principes sous-jacents aux différentes approches utilisées actuellement. De plus, nos propos seront illustrés au fil du document à partir d'un même exemple qui servira de point de repère et de comparaison entre les différents systèmes décrits.
  • A survey on authoring techniques for temporal scenarios of multimedia documents [pdf] [bib]
    M. Jourdan, N. Layaïda, C. Roisin,
    vol. Handbook of Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, part 1: Tools and Standards, ed. Borko Furht, CRC Press. April 1998. pp. 469-490.
    In this chapter, we present a survey on authoring techniques for the creation of temporal scenarios for multimedia documents. We classify existing techniques by confronting them against two kinds of requirements: expressive power and authoring capabilities. These two sets of requirements lead to grouping multimedia authoring systems into two classes: operational ones and constraint-based ones. Both approaches provide synchronization facilities allowing the construction of temporal scenarios. But, the in-depth analysis achieved in this chapter shows that they do not fulfill the same requirements. This analysis is illustrated by a document example that is specified using each presented system.
  • Using Temporal Constraints Networks to manage Temporal Scenario of Multimedia Documents [pdf] [bib]
    H. Fargier, M.Jourdan, N. Layaïda, T. Vidal.
    ECAI 98 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Brighton, UK. August 1998.
    The purpose of this paper is to show that multimedia applications introduce new open problems in temporal constraint-based reasoning. In particular, we adress three issues related to scanario specification, namely the distinction of controllable and uncontrollable durations, Hierarchical structuration and Interruption-like behaviour. This paper mainly outlines this new requirements in multimedia authoring applications through an example. Then, we partially tackle the raised problems and give future research directions and the work we intend to achieve in this area.
  • Madeus, an Authoring Environment for Interactive Multimedia Documents [pdf] [bib] [acm-doi]
    M. Jourdan, N. Layaïda, C. Roisin, L. Sabry-Ismail, L. Tardif.
    ACM Multimedia'98, ACM Press, Bristol, UK. September 1998. pp. 267-272.
    In this paper, we present the main results we have obtained through our experience in designing and implementing Madeus, an authoring and presentation tool for interactive multimedia documents. This system allows an efficient support for the specification of temporal scenarios and fits in an architecture that allows the integration of both authoring and presentation phases of multimedia documents. Moreover, we show that constraints are well suited for the development of both end-user graphic interfaces and efficient low-level execution mechanisms. 1 Introduction Developing a multimedia authoring and presentation application is a difficult task as many different problems have to be solved. The temporal nature of information in multimedia documents requires new functions such as temporal synchronization between components at authoring and presentation time and scheduling of the presentation in distributed and unpredicted contexts.
  • SMIL: The World Wide Web Standard of the W3C [pdf] [bib]
    N. Layaïda and A. Karmouch.
    In Proceedings of the 2nd Canadian Conference on Broadband Research. IEEE Press. Ottawa, Canada. 22-24 June 1998. pp.
    This paper presents current achievements in the field of multimedia document specifications over the Internet within the W3C. It covers important requirements and choices that guided SMIL development. Particularly, we present the key features of SMIL and we discuss next generations of SMIL extensions.
  • Authoring Environment for Interactive Multimedia Documents [pdf] [bib]
    M. Jourdan, N. Layaïda, L. Sabry-Ismail,
    Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Computer Communications, Cannes, 19-21 November 1997. pp. 19-26.
    In this paper, we make an analysis of the main requirements needed for building an authoring environment for interactive multimedia documents. These requirements are of different nature as they are related to a considerable number of computer science fields. Then, we present our contribution to meet our requirements. The particularity of our project is to consider the problem of multimedia authoring as a whole and develop a real running application to validate our results.
  • An Integrated Authoring and Presentation Environment for Interactive Multimedia Documents
    [pdf] [bib]
    M. Jourdan, N. Layaïda, L. Sabry-Ismail, C. Roisin,
    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multimedia Modelling, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. 18-19 November 1997. pp.
  • Navigation in Structured Multimedia Documents using Presentation Context [pdf] [bib] [inist]
    L. Sabry-Ismail, C. Roisin et N. Layaïda,
    Actes de la 4e conférence Internationale Hypertextes et hypermédias : réalisation, outils & méthodes vol.1 n° 2-3-4. Hypertextes et Hypermédias, Editions HERMES, Paris, September 1997. pp. 27-38.
    Navigation in multimedia documents di ffers from the navigation in classical documents the fact that temporal information must be handled at each instant of the presentation. In Madeus, a multimedia authoring and presentation tool developed in our project, we have de neda presentationcontext which holds this information. In this paper, we will discuss how presentation context is de ned, calculated and used for the temporal navigation. We introduce the notion of Tic and Tac instants which correspond to the most meaningful instants in the presentation of multimedia documents, and we describe how they can be used to navigate through documents.
  • Madeus: An Authoring Environment for Interactive Multimedia Documents [pdf] [bib] [doi]
    M. Jourdan, N. Layaïda et L. Sabry-Ismail,
    IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems. Ottawa, Canada. June 1997.
    We present Madeus, an authoring environment for interactive multimedia documents. Madeus' aim can be summed up in the following statement : high temporal expressivity must not be reached to the detriment of a user-friendly interface editing approach. We provide the author with a declarative and hierarchic specification language based on an extension of Allen's algebra. Static temporal checking and dynamic scheduling are based on an extension of temporal constraint networks.
  • Time Representation and Management in Madeus: An Authoring Environment for Multimedia Documents [pdf] [bib] [doi]
    M. Jourdan, N. Layaïda et L. Sabry-Ismail,
    International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Networking, ed. M. Freeman, P. Jardetzky, H. M. Vin, Editors, San Jose, California, USA. January 1997. pp. 68-79.
    In this paper, we present the currently achieved results of our research goal: building an easy to use and powerful multimedia documents authoring environment, which provides high level of expressiveness and open document format. These results are concerned with both the time representation and the time management in our authoring system Madeus. In the first part of the paper, we describe the requirements that must be provided by a time representation of multimedia documents, the choice we made and a comparison with other existing approaches. In the second part, we describe the presentation layer of our system, and how it handles services such as dynamic formatting, temporal access control operations and hyperlinks.


  • Maintaining Temporal Consistency of Multimedia Documents Using Constraint Networks [pdf] [bib] [doi]
    N. Layaïda et L. Sabry-Ismail,
    International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Networking, ed. M. Freeman, P. Jardetzky, H. M. Vin, Editors, SPIE vol. 2667, San Jose, USA, January 1996. pp. 124-135.
    In this paper, we propose an interval-based temporal model and constraints which provide a basis for the management of the consistency of multimedia documents. We propose an efficient algorithm allowing the detection of a wide range of inconsistencies. The emphasis in the design of these algorithms is put on the handling of both the flexibility of temporal specifications and the indeterministic behaviour of some media objects. Furthermore, we use the logical organization of the document in nested entities to enhance the performance of the methods used for detecting inconsistencies.
  • MADEUS : un modèle de document multimédia structuré [pdf] [bib]
    N. Layaïda, L. Sabry-Ismaïl,
    Techniques et Sciences de l'Informatique (TSI), numéro thématique "Multimédia Collecticiels", vol. 15, num. 9, 1996. pp.1227-1257
    Electronic documents have been mainly considered through their logical structure (organization of documents in chapters, sections, etc.), their spatial structure (graphical layout) and their semantic structure (hypertext). With the advent of new computer systems handling multimedia data like audio and video, the temporal structure is more and more considered. The design of a document model integrating these various structures remains a difficult task, because, on one hand, the multimedia objects have different properties, and on the other hand, the extension of traditional documents models to the temporal dimension requires heavy changes. In this paper, we expound these problems and propose some solutions. These solutions are based on our experience in designing and implementing a structured multimedia authoring system called MADEUS.
  • Issues on Temporal Representation of Multimedia Documents [pdf] [bib]
    N. Layaïda
    International Workshop on Real-Time Multimedia and The World-Wide-Web (RTMW'96), Sophia Antipolis, France. October 1996.
  • Maintaining Temporal Consistency of Multimedia Documents [pdf] [html] [bib]
    N. Layaïda et C. Kéramane,
    ACM SIGMM Workshop on Effective Abstractions in Multimedia Layout, Presentation, and Interaction , in conjunction with ACM Multimedia'95 Conference. San Francisco, USA. 4 November 1995.
    In this paper, we address the problems related to the temporal consistency of multimedia documents. We propose a complete set of operators to represent the temporal structure of multimedia documents and an efficient algorithm allowing the detection of a wide range of inconsistencies. The emphasis in the design of these algorithms is put on the handling of both the flexibility of temporal specifications and the unpredictable behaviour of intervals. Furthermore, we use the logical organization of the document in nested entities to enhance the performance of the methods used for detecting inconsistencies.
  • Multimedia Authoring: A 3D Interactive Visualization Interface based on a Structured Document Model [pdf] [bib]
    N. Layaïda et J. Y. Vion-Dury,
    HCI'95, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Y. Anzai, K. Ogawa and H. Mori, ed., Elsevier Science, Yokohama, Japan, 9-14 July 1995. pp. 313-318.
    In this paper, we present an interface based on a structured document model and multiple interactive views. This synthetic approach relieves the user from low!level and error!prone descriptions by reducing the document complexity. We believe that it is an efficient way for enhancing the overall interface expressive power. Moreover, the structured approach eases the automatic processing of multimedia documents, allowing a rapid production of spatial and temporal layouts starting from high level logical descriptions and presentation directives
  • Interface d'édition de documents structurés multimédia [pdf] [bib]
    N. Layaïda et J. Y. Vion-Dury,
    Actes Sixièmes Journées de l'Ingénierie des Interfaces Homme-Machine (IHM'94), pp. 75-80, Lille, Décembre 1994.
    L'édition multimédia est un processus créatif complexe, se devant d'être souple et interactif d'une part, et intelligent d'autre part si l'on considère que le système d'édition doit décharger au maximum l'utilisateur des tâches de bas niveau et abstraire la complexité temporelle. Nous proposons une approche synthétique prenant en compte ces deux aspects en s'appuyant d'une part sur un modèle de document multimédia structuré permettant des spécifications temporelles algébriques de haut niveau, et d'autre part sur l'utilisation de représentations visuelles interactives multiples. Celles--ci sont tridimensionnelles pour répondre à la complexité qualitative et quantitative du processus. Les différentes vues sont maintenues en cohérence forte au cours du processus d'édition grâce à une représentation interne unique du document. Cette dernière peut être construite automatiquement par application des opérateurs algébriques sur la structure du document que notre modèle permet de spécifier.

Research Reports

  • Presentation Services in Madeus : an Authoring Environment for Multimedia Documents [pdf] [bib]
    M. Jourdan, N. Layaïda et L. Sabry-Ismail,
    Rapport de Recherche INRIA num 2983, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, 655 av. de l'Europe. 38330 Montbonnot, France. September 1996.
  • Adaptabilité : pistes d'étude pour la définition d'une infrastructure d'accès au contenu multimédia pour des machines hétérogènes [pdf] [bib]
    N. Layaïda
    Rapport de recherche Alcatel, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, octobre 1999.


  • Madeus : système d'édition et de présentation de documents structurés multimédia [pdf] [html] [bib]
    N. Layaïda,
    Directeur de thèse : Dr Vincent Quint. Doctorat en Informatique (PhD thesis), Université Joseph Fourier, juin 1997.
  • Schéma de désignation extensible pour les systèmes répartis [html] [bib]
    N. Layaïda
    Responsable du Stage : Pr. X. Rousset de Pina, Pr. S. Krakowiak. Mémoire du diplôme d'études approfondies (Master thesis), Université Joseph Fourier, juin 1993.

Web standards

  • SMIL 2.1 Basic Profile and Scalability Framework [html] [bib]
    Nabil Layaïda.
    W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium. 13 December 2005.
  • SMIL 2.1 Language Profile [html] [bib]
    Nabil Layaïda.
    W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium. 13 December 2005.
  • Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 2.1) [html] [bib]
    Dick Bulterman, Guido Grassel, Jack Jansen, Antti Koivisto, Nabil Layaïda, Thierry Michel, Sjoerd Mullender, Daniel Zucker.
    W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium. 13 December 2005.
  • SMIL 2.0 Language Profile [html] [bib]
    N. Layaïda, J. R. Von Ossenbruggen.
    W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium. 7 August 2001.
  • Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 2.0) [html] [bib]
    Jeff Ayars, Dick Bulterman, Aaron Cohen, Ken Day, Erik Hodge, Philipp Hoschka, Eric Hyche , Muriel Jourdan, Michelle Kim, Kenichi Kubota, Rob Lanphier, Nabil Layaïda, Thierry Michel, Debbie Newman, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Lloyd Rutledge, Bridie Saccocio, Patrick Schmitz, Warner ten Kate.
    W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium. 7 August 2001.
  • SMIL: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language [html] [bib]
    P. Hoschka, .., N. Layaïda et Al.
    W3C Recommendation. World Wide Web Consortium. April 1998.